Most important 13 VSQ of C programming for SEE students.

C programming VSQ for see students

[Note: 5 marks of C programming are added on the new grid and model question i.e 1 question will be 1 mark for the very short answer and 1 question will be 4 marks]

So, in this particular post, I'm going to give you the most important VSQ of C programming for SEE students in class 10.

After preparing all these VSQs you'll be able to give 1 mark question easily in your SEE Examination.

Programming in C

1. Write any two features of C Programming.

The two features of the C programming language are:

i. C is a Structured Programming Language because the program is divided into several functions.

ii. C is a case-sensitive programming language.

2. List the data types supported by C Programming.

The data type specifies the size and type of information the variable will store.

Types of data supported by C programming are character, integer, float, double, void, etc.

3. What will be the value of y in the given C expression, y=64 % 5?

The value of y in the given C expression is 4 as % returns a reminder.

4. How many keywords are in the C language?

Reserved words that have special meaning to the compiler.

Mainly, there are 32 keywords used in standard C language.

5. What is C programming language?

C is a general-purpose, portable, simple, and flexible high-level programming language.

6. Why C is called a middle-level language?

C is called a middle-level language because it has both the properties of high-level language and low-level language.

7. What is an operator in C language?

An operator is a symbol that helps to do certain mathematical calculations or logical manipulations.

8. What is loop or looping?

Looping is a control structure that executes the same program statement for a specified number of times.

9. Write any two format specifiers used in C language.

Format specifier controls the type and format of the value to be printed or entered.

Any two format specifiers used in C language are %d, %f, %c, %s, etc.

10. C was developed by whom and when?

C programming was designed and developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Laboratories in 1972 A.D.

11. Write any two keywords used in C language.

Any two keywords used in the C programming language are int, float, void, for, if, while, etc.

12. Give two examples of structured programming languages.

Any two examples of structured programming languages are C, Java, Python, etc.

13. Write the name of unary operators used in C language.

The names of unary operators used in C language are Increment (++) and decrement (--).

These are the questions I've researched and listed which have been continuously asked in SEE examinations for many years. With no doubts, you'll be confident in your answer during your examination.

Keep Learning, Keep Exploring! HAPPY SEE! ❤

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