Check EDV Result from Nepal - Step by Step Guide(2024)

Check EDV Result from Nepal - Step by Step Guide

Every year, the US Department of State runs the Electronic Diversity Visa (EDV) program, also known as the Diversity Immigrant Visa program, which provides a chance for citizens of various countries, including Nepal, to apply for permanent residency in the United States. If you are a Nepalese citizen who applied for the EDV program, you might be wondering how to check the results. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to check EDV results from Nepal.

Step 1: Visit the official website

To check the EDV result, the first step is to visit the official website of the US Department of State, which is

Visit the official website

Visit the official website

Step 2: Enter your Confirmation Number

Once you reach the website, you will need to enter your confirmation number, which is the unique code that was provided to you when you submitted your EDV application. Make sure to enter the number correctly and without any spaces.

Step 3: Enter personal information

After entering the confirmation number, you will be asked to provide your personal information, such as your name, date of birth, and country of birth.

Step 4: Submit your information

After entering your personal information, click on the submit button. The website will then process your information and display your EDV result.

Enter your Confirmation and personal Number

Step 5: Check your result

If you have been selected for the EDV program, the website will display a message indicating that you have been selected, and you will be provided with further instructions on how to proceed with the process. If you have not been selected, the website will display a message indicating that you have not been selected.

Step 6: Save your result

If you have been selected for the EDV program, make sure to save your result and follow the instructions provided to proceed with the process. If you have not been selected, do not lose hope and try again next year.

In conclusion, checking EDV results from Nepal is a simple process that involves visiting the official website of the US Department of State, entering your confirmation number, providing your personal information, and submitting your information. If you have been selected, make sure to follow the instructions provided and proceed with the process. Good luck!

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